Sty in The Eye
Her father does not believe in hell and heaven but he donates for the Kathina merit and robe offerings at various temples. He still drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes. Will the merit that he did occasionally made in his present life close the path to hell for him? What kamma caused her to have a sty in her eye every year and develop eye infections frequently? DMC has the answers.
The Four Important Roles Parents Must Play in Raising Good Children
All parents wish bright futures for their children. They want to raise well-behaved, respectful and moral children whose comport will help them advance far in society
Hand and Fire under water
The miracle of crystal sun occurred not only in Thailand and but also in American. What factors brought this happen? What are the retributions of killing animal? What is water sprite? DMC has the answers.
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 6
Practising the Middle Way is thus practicing the Noble Eightfold Path. If practiced properly, all eight components of the path will come together as a pure translucent sphere
How to Meditate
Let’s give ourselves a try. Firstly we must know the real nature of the mind. It is bright, clear and in the sphere form like a tiny crystal ball. Normally, the mind